All Wrapped Up

We have fantastic knitters who make bits and pieces for the Rosie Hospital.

The Rosie have 500 deliveries a month and the clothes, blankets and bonding squares go home with the babies.



The small bonding squares for NICU are between 2″ square and 6″, “We put them in our expressing packs that are given to the mother’s on admission. I can honestly tell you what a wonderful treasure they are! They enable the mother to feel that she is actively helping her baby.”

The Rosie uses a traffic light system of rating babies red, amber or green to identify which babies need closer observations.

One way of helping to identify which baby is in which category is to use different coloured hats. So we would be really pleased if your knitters could work on making red, amber and green hats! In terms of sizes we are wanting hats for full term newborn babies, so head circumference between 32cm and 38cm would be about right, or between orange and grapefruit size. The hats can be all one colour, stripy, with or without bobbles, as long as they are obviously red, orange or green as the main colour.

“Any shade of green and yellow or orange, as long as you can look at the hat and tell which category that baby is in. We get through 250 green hats and 150 of both red and orange each month, so as many as possible!”

Other items that are in constant use are cot  size (30cm x 60cm) knitted blankets, cardigans, plain white hats, cannula covers and knitted breasts for the breastfeeding counsellors.


“Thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate it.”

“Very many thanks to all of your wonderful ladies, who really are making a huge difference to these families.”

The Rosie can always use knitted garments and blankets, in both the neonatal unit and postnatal ward.

We have several more requests for funding, so any donations will be gratefully received. All the money raised goes to the Rosie. We can always use any offers of help and new volunteers to support our work. Just contact us on

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