At our 2024 AGM our previous Chair of several decades, Mary Sanders, retired as did Ann Laskey, who had led the Rosie Tea Bar volunteers for many years. Sadly this Tea Bar, which was in Clinic 21, has not reopened since the Pandemic, due to a lack of volunteers. Luckily, there is a WRVS café on the ground floor of the Rosie.
Our new Chair is Mary Ferguson who has worked at the Rosie for many years and so knows the staff and understands the workings of the Rosie. She is already proving invaluable as she liaises with various departments, who have suggested items they would like the Friends of the Rosie to buy.
This year, we have already agreed to buy recliner chairs at a cost of over £10,000 both for the partners of women having Caesareans and for the proposed new Bereavement rooms.